Surprising Things You Can Buy with EBT at Walmart

As someone who relies on the benefits of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), also known as EBT, you may be familiar with using your card to purchase groceries.

However, did you know that there are many other items at Walmart that you can buy with your EBT card? In this article, I will share with you some surprising things that you can buy with EBT at Walmart.

1. Seed and Plants for Food Production

One of the most surprising and beneficial uses of EBT funds at Walmart is the purchase of seeds and plants that produce food. This means that SNAP recipients can buy tomato plants, herb garden kits, and even fruit-bearing plants.

This not only provides immediate nutritional value but also encourages sustainable practices and self-sufficiency.

2. Specialty Breads and Bakery Items

While it’s well-known that EBT covers essential food items like bread, many are surprised to learn that specialty bakery items are also included.

This means that items like fresh artisan bread, tortillas, and even some custom-made bakery items from the Walmart bakery can be purchased with EBT.

3. Non-Dairy Milk Alternatives

As dietary needs and preferences evolve, non-dairy alternatives have become increasingly popular. Walmart offers a variety of non-dairy milk products like almond milk, soy milk, and oat milk that are EBT eligible. This is a significant benefit for those with lactose intolerance or those who follow vegan diets.

4. Energy Drinks (With Nutrition Labels)

This might come as a surprise, but some energy drinks can be purchased with EBT at Walmart. The key factor here is that the energy drink must have a nutrition label (as opposed to a supplement label). This means that certain brands that are classified as food items can be bought using EBT.

5. Live Seafood

Another unexpected item that can be bought with EBT at Walmart is live seafood. This includes items like live lobsters or other fish available in the Walmart seafood section. It’s a little-known fact that SNAP benefits can be used for these types of purchases, offering a wider range of nutritional options.

6. Holiday and Birthday Cakes

EBT can also be used to purchase custom-made holiday and birthday cakes from the Walmart bakery. This includes cakes that are pre-made or made-to-order, as long as they are not considered luxury items or have non-edible decorations.

7. Delicatessen Foods

Prepared foods in the deli section that are not hot and are intended for home consumption can also be purchased with EBT. This includes items like cold rotisserie chicken, deli meats, and cheeses, offering more convenience for meal preparation.

8. Pumpkins

Interestingly, EBT can be used to buy pumpkins at Walmart, as long as they are edible varieties. This means that SNAP recipients can enjoy seasonal items and incorporate them into their cooking.

9. Cooking Supplies

Along with food items, cooking supplies like pots and pans, utensils, and other kitchen essentials can also be purchased with EBT at Walmart. This is especially helpful for those who are starting a new home or looking to replace worn-out cookware.

10. Multivitamins

Finally, multivitamins and other dietary supplements can also be purchased with EBT at Walmart, as long as they have nutrition labels. This is a great option for those who want to ensure their nutritional needs are met but may not have the ability to purchase these items without assistance.

Final Thoughts

As you can see, there are many surprising things that you can buy with EBT at Walmart beyond just groceries. If you are a SNAP recipient, be sure to take advantage of these options and make the most out of your benefits.

EBT is intended to provide access to nutritious food and promote healthy eating habits, so always use it responsibly. So, next time you’re at Walmart, keep these unexpected items in mind and enjoy a wider range of choices for your nutritional needs. Happy shopping!

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